Beth Conroy is a seasoned acupuncturist and healer with over 13 years of experience. She graduated from the esteemed NYC Tri-State College of Acupuncture in 2010. She is proficient in four distinct styles of acupuncture including TCM, Acupuncture Physical Medicine, Kiko Matsumoto Japanese Acupuncture and Esoteric Acupuncture.
Her love for acupuncture began as a patient when she was suffering from chronic pain and anxiety. She quickly discovered that this medicine was a holistic solution that not only alleviated her acute symptoms but began to create lasting shifts that would forever change her life and lead to making a career change to support others with acupuncture
Beth uses an intuitive approach to meet each patient’s unique and specific needs. She has a love for working with athletes and is specially trained in treating pain conditions using orthopedic needling and trigger point release techniques. And on the other end of the spectrum is called to work with patients suffering with their mental illness and those seeking spiritual support.
When not in the treatment room you can find Beth on long walks with her ridiculously cute dog Coconut. And without fail on the beach at Asbury Park in the summer or far away with the palm trees in sight during the winter.